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Writer's pictureTarasekhar Padhy

Equanimity Leads to Inner Peace and Salvation

यं हि न व्यथयन्त्येते पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभ |

समदु:खसुखं धीरं सोऽमृतत्वाय कल्पते || 2.15||

Meaning of the Shloka: The ones who aren’t distressed during happiness or sorrow and remain steady on their path are the noblest among all men. They are the ones who achieve salvation. (Bhagvad Gita 2.15)

Context: Krishna is motivating Arjuna to engage in war by explaining that the path through salvation (liberation) is through sincerely performing your righteous duties. This is a continuation of advise from the previous chapter where Krishna emphasized the fleeting nature of emotions.

Arjuna was unwilling to battle because he was grief-stricken about the potential loss of life and prosperity the war would bring. Consequently, he was contemplating abandoning his duties as a warrior, even at an essential moment.

What is equanimity

Equanimity is a state of mind when you are detached to the potential fruits of your labor. Win or lose, your outlook on life in general doesn’t change. Moments of happiness and sadness cease to elate or depress you.

The individuals who have mastered it never quit at anything as the only thing they focus on is the effort they put in. It is identical to the “you win or you learn” mindset.

Without equanimity, your emotions, feelings, temper, and general state of mind are susceptible to external factors. Some days you will be motivated to take on the world and other days you will struggle to get out of bed. This will affect your discipline.

When you become neutral in victory and defeat, nothing phases you anymore. The only thing you can see is what you are supposed to do at the time. 

What is inner peace

After practicing equanimity for a long time, you can attain inner peace where you are unbothered by the material world itself. Everything transpiring with and around you will appear as the universe going on its due course and you are just along for the ride.

The success and suffering of anyone won’t evoke any kind of emotion within you that impacts your commitment to your efforts. All your anxiety and stress will melt away as you view your duties and actions as a part of your body.

What is salvation

Salvation is a state where you become one with the universe. You see yourself as a conglomeration of atoms and molecules that is simply passing through space and exhibiting certain traits and characteristics.

Even the most intense pleasureful and sorrowful moments won’t be able to remove you from your dutiful path, whether it is as a man, father, or a salesman.

When you attain this state, all your existential crises such as questions related to the purpose and meaning of life, morality, and the eternal truth will be answered. And the path to salvation begins by devoting yourself to work.

Conclusion: Embrace every emotion

Emotions are a natural by-product of your actions. However, your state of mind should not affect your commitment to your duties and efforts. If you wake up one fine morning feeling like the man or the greatest chump that has ever lived, get up and do all the things you were supposed to.

Just keep reminding yourself that the material world is temporary and emotions emerge because of your interactions within it. This makes emotions even more short-lived. Soldier through pain and express gratitude for positive moments and move on.

Looking at both sunny and rainy days will help you achieve inner peace down the road. This will make you more resolute in your path which is essential for fulfilling the purpose of life and attaining liberation.

Even if it’s going to war.

Next Chapter: Coming soon

Index (with Prologue): Krishna Said That

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